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How to Get a Great Grade on Your Next Written Assignment
September 11, 2013 by Debbie Conover  | 
When you are writing any assignment, whether it is a book report or an essay, be sure to follow the teacher's instructions and then edit or check over your rough draft (first copy) very carefully. I urge my students to check over their paper at least five times before they turn it in for a grade. This editing should be done in at least four different time frames. First, read your assignment out loud then immediately read it again silently and with colored pen in hand circle any spelling or grammar mistakes you can find (equals two times). Now, go away and come back to your paper after at least an hour break. Next, read your paper very slowly and place a ruler under each line as you read it. When you find a mistake or an area that could be written better note this in colored pen on your paper( third time). Take another break or come back the next day and read your paper aloud to someone ( even to your cat or dog). After you do that, silently read your paper from the end to the beginning ( this makes four and five times). Finally, after another break read your paper slowly and carefully checking that it says exactly what you want it to say ( this makes six times!). Now, rewrite your paper carefully making all the changes that you indicated. Do not forget to edit your second and hopefully final copy. Great writing takes time, so schedule for it and the pay off should be a great grade for a job well done!