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Private Tutor - Academics
Polk, FL
Writing, Social Studies, Science, Reading, Math, Literature, English
Tutoring Business - Advising, Academics
New York, NY
Writing, Trigonometry, Social Studies, Science, Reading, Pre-Calculus, Philosophy, Literature, Financial Planning, English, Economics, College Plannin [...]
Private Tutor - Academics
Montgomery, MD
Writing, Literature, English
Private Tutor - Dance, Academics
New York, NY
Reading, Math, Hip Hop
Featured Tutor Tips™
A very common obstacle to any student’s success with their math class is allowing math fear to affect how the [...]
Posted by Terry VanNoy
We have to remember that in the critical reading/verbal section of the SAT, most students will NOT know 90% of the [...]
Always read directions carefully.Never spend too much time on any one question because you may limit the time you h [...]
rather than learn & retain vocabulary using a list or flashcards...create a foldable...there are many resources [...]
Posted by Lauren Ackerman