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Tricky sounds
October 17, 2014 by Kathleen Short-RIdge  | 

While teaching people English that were based in Asian countries I found that a common problem was that becuase they do not use there lips to form their languages as English speakers do I came up with helpful tips to help them. Here is for some to the tricky sounds found in English:

•The V sound is made with the top teeth on the bottom lip line.
•The TH sound is with the tongue going through the front teeth.
•The F sound is made when the top teeth is on the middle of the bottom lip line.
•The PH together is a F sound.
•ING is an EENG sound
•ATION is an A-SHUN sound
•TION is a shun sound.
•The R sound is made when you are making a fishy face.