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Becoming a successful learner
April 18, 2015 by Deanna Piowaty  | 
Not all learning environments set students up to succeed. The key is to identify what learning style works best for you, then use this understanding about yourself to shape your study practices. 
For instance, teachers often pass on knowledge by way of having their class listen passively to lengthy lectures, with no accompanying visual clues or opportunities for hands-on learning. Yet not all students learn best this way. Many, in  fact, are visual learners, working best when they can see concrete examples of what's being described, while others process information best kinesthetically, manipulating items tactilely to experience first hand how processes work. Then there are social learners, who thrive best when discussing ideas in a group.
Which are you? Some people overlap two or even three categories, and so benefit when instruction happens in a variety of different ways.
So how does this help you as a learner?
While it's true that you can't always have a say in the way material is intially presented to you in class, nevertheless, once you get home, you and your tutor can create study lessons that help you access the material in ways that give you the best chance at learning, and even make studying fun and interesting! You'd be surprised what a difference it makes when at last it feels like your tutor is speaking your own langauge.