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Use my "ROPES" technique to optimize test prep.
January 9, 2016 by Blake Kiernan  | 

Have you ever had a test to prep for and not known where to start? My ROPES technique will remedy this problem by giving a step-by-step process that you can use for any test that you have! Using this technique will prevent your from feeling like you are wasting your time when you're studying; it helps you prepare as closely as possible for what will be on a given test by finding key information and using it to create your own practice test.

Retrieve all important information (worksheets, online resources, previous tests/quizzes) that you can use to study for the test (use your study guide to do this)

Organize your study resources for key concepts, key terms, important diagrams, etc., and make a separate list of these

Predict questions that will be on the test based on the study guide, what the teacher has reviewed or said "this will be on the test" about.

Evaluate your questions by finding and writing down the answers to them.

Study your questions and answers (could use flash cards, quizlet, a partner, or any method of your choice).

This is one of my Empowered Learning Techniques (ELTs) that I have created. To learn more about these techniques, check out my site: www.empoweredlearninghub.com